New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Is moving my blog from WordPress to a static-site worth the tradeoffs?

Ask HN: Is moving my blog from WordPress to a static-site worth the tradeoffs?
3 by loganmarchione | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I have a small personal blog on a self-hosted WordPress instance. I'm not a developer (more of a sysadmin), so I like the ease-of-use that WordPress offers and how everything mostly "just works" without having to hack together a solution. However, I'd like to ditch the LEMP stack and just serve static files for all of their advantages (speed, security, git-based, etc...) I've been looking at Hugo, Jekyll, and Pelican. However, I don't want to lose features like search, comments, RSS, etc... Does everyone who switches to a static-site generator make these sacrifices? I really like interacting with my readers in the comments and I think the search is really useful. I've found things like Grav, which still use PHP, but ditch the database for markdown files. The PHP allows the use of search, comments, etc.., but obviously isn't "static". I would appreciate any advice. Thanks!

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