New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Critical Thinking Books for Kids
Ask HN: Critical Thinking Books for Kids
3 by aetilley | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I'd like to get my 8 y.o. nephew an introduction to critical thinking. My coworker just pointed out this (which, despite its appearance, might actually be geared towards adults). Would love to hear any other suggestions folks have. Books geared towards kids are best, but I'd also be interested in those aimed at preteens or young teens.
3 by aetilley | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I'd like to get my 8 y.o. nephew an introduction to critical thinking. My coworker just pointed out this (which, despite its appearance, might actually be geared towards adults). Would love to hear any other suggestions folks have. Books geared towards kids are best, but I'd also be interested in those aimed at preteens or young teens.